One True God

God has revealed himself as the eternally self-existent “I AM,” the Creator of heaven and earth, the Redeemer of mankind. He is sometimes called Jehovah or Yahweh (the Hebrew word for God).  He exists eternally and is revealed in three distinct personalities: God (the Father), Jesus (the Son), and the Holy Spirit. Together the three are commonly referred to as the Trinity. God is Creator, Sustainer, and Ruler of all things (Matthew 28:19).

Salvation Through Jesus

Jesus is God’s Son. He has always existed. Because of sin, mankind was doomed to die (Romans 6:23). Jesus came from heaven to earth to be our Savior. He lived a life without sin, and willingly died for us (John 3:16). Three days later He rose from the dead, He ascended to heaven, and He is alive today. Because we are unable to save ourselves from our sinful condition, salvation is altogether the work of God. Neither good works nor self improvement can make up for our sins. Salvation is the free gift of God. However, like any gift it must be received. This gift is received by faith, believing and trusting in Jesus Christ who died as our substitute that we might live. Through a surrendered life, repentance from sin, and faith toward God, we can experience the gift of salvation.

The Word of God

The Bible (39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament) is the inspired Word of God. In their original form, these 66 distinct books which comprise the Bible. are without error in all they proclaim. They were written over a period of about 1500 years, in three languages (Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic), by 40 different writers, yet it contains an incredibly accurate historical record and an impeccably consistent presentation of Spiritual truth. This is only possible because the words of the Bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit. The greatest evidence of the authority of the Bible is not in historical facts or its consistency. It is found in the obvious result of applying the truths of the Bible to our every day lives (2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:21).

Work of The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, is co-equal with the Father and Son for all eternity. He is a helper, adviser, strengthener, encourager, ally, and advocate. He is still at work in the lives of people today. We believe miracles still happen and are documented daily. The healing of diseases, the restoration of broken lives, even prophecies and supernatural occurrences, all these things still happen.  The reason these things still take place is because the Holy Spirit is still at work in the lives of believers. He lives in believers to manifest the character of Jesus Christ. He provides people with power for holy living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance for life. He also gives Christians spiritual gifts, so they might serve the church and the world. (James 5:14-16; John 14:12)

Rapture and Return of Christ

The rapture will be an experience that will come for Christ followers, both those living and those who have died. This event will could happen anytime. When it takes place, the Bible describes it as a time when christians will be gathered together to meet Christ in the air and will be welcomed into the presence of Christ and a time of celebration. In time, Jesus Christ will return to earth in bodily, physical form just as He ascended following His resurrection. His personal return is imminent and will be unexpected such that no one can predict it; we believe that return will occur in a bodily visible manner. His coming is the source of a Christian’s glory and hope. Through this act, He will wipe out every existing power and authority in order to inaugurate and restore His final supremacy. Through this display of authority, Jesus will establish an eternal victory over all things that seek to stand against Him (including Satan and the wicked). In time, the world we know now will pass away and He will create a new heaven and new earth — where believers will live, rule, and reign with Him forever  (1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17; Romans 8:23; Titus 2:13; 1 Corinthians 15:51.52).

We are affiliated with the Assemblies of God. For more information on the Assemblies of God and what they believe, go to https://ag.org/.